Wednesday, November 9, 2011


The term “disruptive behavior” is changed in the standards

The term “disruptive behavior” in two elements of performance (LD.03.01.01, EPs 4 and 5) has been revised to “behavior or behaviors that undermine a culture of safety.” It has been brought to the attention of staff at The Joint Commission that the term “disruptive behavior” is not viewed favorably by some in health care, and it can be ambiguous for some audiences. For example, some physicians object that strong advocacy for improvements in patient care can be characterized as disruptive behavior.

Also, the phrase “disruptive behavior” may be used in the context of a care environment that has become temporarily unsettled by the behavior of a patient. The term was discussed with The Joint Commission’s Accreditation Committee and its Board of Commissioners. Because of the term’s potential for ambiguity, the new term better describes the problem that the standard is trying to address. The change will be made in the update to the accreditation manuals, which will publish in the spring of 2012.

Revised standard IC.02.04.01 on influenza vaccination for licensed independent practitioners and staff to be applicable to all accreditation programs

The Joint Commission has revised standard IC.02.04.01, strengthening the requirements to better reflect current scientific evidence and the national initiatives on influenza vaccination for licensed independent practitioners and staff. The revised standard is effective July 1, 2012 for the critical access hospital, hospital and long term care accreditation programs.

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