Monday, December 22, 2008

OIG Releases Two Studies on Adverse Event Reporting

The Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has released two studies on how hospitals and states are collecting and utilizing data on adverse events.

In the study titled, Adverse Events in Hospitals: Overview of Key Issues, the OIG identifies adverse events as "any harm to a patient as a result of medical care, such as infection because of contaminated equipment." The study also notes that while better reporting of adverse events will lead to a higher quality of care, there are several barriers to proper reporting. For example, the report states that hospital staff may be too busy and forget to report an incident. Others may be hesitant to report an adverse event, fearing that it will lead to legal action.

The OIG's second study, Adverse Events in Hospitals: State Reporting Systems, examined the 27 states that have established adverse event reporting systems. Although each state has a different reporting system, they have all been using their data to make quality improvements in their healthcare systems.

To read the OIG's studies, click here:

Adverse Events in Hospitals: Overview of Key Issues

Adverse Events in Hospitals: State Reporting Systems

Source: BNA

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