Monday, December 14, 2009

Question of the Week: OPPE, FPPE, and Allied Health

As this year comes to a close, many of us are looking for ways to make things more efficient and less complicated in both our lives and our work.

One area that gets complicated for MSPs is how to track OPPE and FPPE for allied health professionals (AHPs). We are supposed to monitor the performance of AHPs, but this is difficult to do since all AHPs have a sponsoring physician and credit for procedures are usually recorded in the physician's name, not the AHP's name.

Some facilities have addressed this problem by developing activity logs that allow their AHPs to keep track of procedures they performed. If your facility has implemented a best practice, we'd love for you to share it in the comment field.

The question of the week is, do you currently track OPPE and FPPE for allied health professionals? Provide your answer in the poll on the NAMSS Blog homepage.


Anonymous said...

Tracking OPPE AND FPPE is still a task for both the Medical Staff and AHP at my facility. We got lucky with TJC survey in Septemeber for the Medical Staff but not the AHP. We are in the process of put together an OPPE & FPPE policy and process. It is not easy but we are getting there. I hope other MSP who have got this done would be willing to share samples.

Anonymous said...

I would agree with the comment above. We are having problems with tracking AHP and are trying to put together forms in order to this. If anyone has ideas or examples, they would be greatly appreciated.